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Weighted Batch Preprocessing Script Deep Dive 

Recorded Workshop

The powerful Weighted Batch Preprocessing (WBPP) script is the most streamlined way to perform preprocessing in PixInsight. “Preprocessing” refers to all the steps required to make one or more master images from a set of sub-frames (“subs”). The masters output by WBPP are the starting point for rendering beautiful deep-sky images in PixInsight. 

In this workshop, Ron and Warren will show you how to get the most out of WBPP whether you are using monochrome, OSC or DSLR data. They’ll show you how, as the “conductor,” WBPP controls all the players in the preprocessing “orchestra,” ensuring that each plays their part correctly. 


In addition to explaining the script’s interface and its basic use Warren and Ron will demonstrate: 


  • CosmeticCorrection – Preparing mono and OSC icons for WBPP to use 

  • Setting Default Quality – Set up WBPP to balance quality and speed to suit your needs 

  • LocalNormalization – Using the interactive checkbox to get control over the reference frame 

  • Exposure Tolerance  – combining – or not – exposures of different length. 

  • Sub-frame Weighting Options --  default and custom options 

  • Preparing to Drizzle – When to activate the Drizzle checkbox 

  • Grouping Keywords – Working with complex data sets 

  • Managing Your Output – What should you keep? What can be safely discarded, and when? 




Attendees of this workshop will receive the following: 


  • Unlimited access to workshop video, PixInsight project and icons used in the workshop 

  • An opportunity to win a door prize from our generous sponsors 



Warren Keller and Ron Brecher have teamed up to deliver a series of information-packed Virtual Workshops covering deep-sky image processing with PixInsight. Each carefully-planned session helps you learn about the most important tools and settings needed to create jaw-dropping astrophotos.  Working with Ron and Warren, and practicing with the resources provided, will help you move confidently from beginner to experienced user.


Unlimited Access $35.00 USD


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