IP4AP Series Content
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PixInsight Foundations Part-1
Primer-1 Philosophy, Introduction to the User Interface, PI Community, Automatic Updates, Global Preferences, Toolbars, Explorer Windows, Menus 7:22min
Primer-2 The User Interface continued- Explorer Windows, Tool Bars, Overall functionality 7:34min
Primer-3 The User Interface continued- the Screen Transfer Function, New Instances 6:47min
Primer-4 The User Interface continued- Processes, Previews, Real Time Previews, Intro to Masks 6:59min
Primer-5 The User Interface continued- More Masks, the Process Container, the Image Container 6:54min
PI-6 Stack-1 Using the new Batch Preprocessing script to Calibrate, Register and Integrate images into Master Files 4:57min
PI-7 Stack-2 Using the new Batch Preprocessing script continued 5:30min
PI-8 Stack-3 Using the new Batch Preprocessing script continued, including Debayering and CosmeticCorrection 6:33min
PI-9 Stack-4 Using the new Batch Preprocessing script continued, a simple, automatic, OSC run is detailed 5:04min
PI-10 Stack-5 Using the new Batch Preprocessing script continued, a manual, monochromatic approach is detailed 4:15min
PI-11 Stack-6 The ImageIntegration Process for Light Frames 5:50min
PI-12 Stack-7 The ImageIntegration process for Bias, Dark, and Flat Masters. The ImageCalibration process is introduced for preparing Flat frames for stacking. 6:00min
PI-13 Stack-8 The ImageIntegration process for Light frames. The Batch Debayer Script and StarAlignment are also covered, concluding our 8-part miniseries on stacking with PI. 6:22min
PI-14 Linear-1 Postprocessing in the linear state. The DynamicCrop, FastRotation, ChannelCombination, and ChannelExtraction processes are introduced. 7:22min
PI-15 Linear-2 Alternate method of Lightness extraction, splitting of RGB, and LRGB combination; and the application of a History state to an image are shown. Background extraction is also introduced. 5:47min
PI-16 Linear-3 The AutomaticBackgroundExtractor (ABE) and its affect on Additive and Multiplicative gradients. 5:17min
PI-17 Linear-4 The DynamicBackgroundExtraction process (DBE) and its affect on Additive and Multiplicative gradients. Automatic sample generation for less challenging fields is the focus. 6:50min
PI-18 Linear-5 The DynamicBackgroundExtraction process for complex nebular fields, and extreme light pollution, Manual samples, Symmetries; and the BackgroundNeutralization process are covered. 8:32min
PI-19 Linear-6 The ColorCalibration process for accurate color balance. PixInsight's 'agnostic' color philosophy and three calibration modes are covered. 5:37min
PI-20 Linear-7 The Deconvolution Process is covered- the Regularized Richardson-Lucy algorithm, PSF tabs, ideal Iterations, Deringing, and Wavelet Regularization. 8:13min
PI-21 Linear-8 The Deconvolution Process continued. The External PSF tab, Dynamic PSF, StarMask deringing support image, Range Masks, and some recommended settings. 8:32min
PI-22 Wrap-Up Final thoughts and recommendations. Topics to be covered in PixInsight Part-2, and what can be expected in PixInsight's future. 5:12min
PixInsight Foundations Part-2
PI-1 Linear-1 Noise reduction in the linear state. Introduction to Wavelets, the ExtractWaveletLayers script and the ATrousWaveletTransform process are introduced. 5:49min
PI-2 Linear-2 Noise reduction in the linear state continues with the ATrousWaveletTransform process. PixelMath is introduced. 5:49min
PI-3 Linear-3 The essentials of Nonlinear Stretching. The DigitalDevelopment process is detailed. 5:15min
PI-4 Linear-4 IntensityTransformations. Nonlinear stretching continues with the AutoHistogram and AdaptiveStretch processes. 5:58 min
PI-5 Linear-5 IntensityTransformations continue with more on AdaptiveStretch, and the HistogramTransformation process is introduced. 7:02min
PI-6 Linear-6 IntensityTransformations continue with more on the very powerful HistogramTransformation- PI's primary tool for nonlinear stretching. 6:57min
PI-7 Nonlinear-1 IntensityTransformations continue with the CurvesTransformation process, and LocalHistogramEqualization is introduced. 6:00min
PI-8 Nonlinear-2 IntensityTransformations continue with LocalHistogramEqualization. The ExponentialTransformation process is also introduced. 6:28min
PI-9 Nonlinear-3 Latest 1.8 Ripley revision, L* correction w/ LinearFit, ChannelExtraction, and ChannelCombination, LRGBCombination of monochromatic Luminance and Chrominance, Chrominance Noise Reduction 7:03min
PI-10 Nonlinear-4 Noise Reduction with the MultiscaleMedianTransform and Adaptive Contrast-Driven Noise Reduction (ACDNR) processes are detailed. 6:59min
PI-11 Nonlinear-5 Noise Reduction continues with ACDNR. Edge and Star Protection, and the Lightness Mask are covered. 4:40min
PI-12 Nonlinear-6 Noise Reduction with ACDNR continues. GREYCstoration and the brand new TGVDenoise are introduced. 4:37min
PI-13 Nonlinear-7 The new TGVDenoise process is profiled. 7:31min
PI-14 Nonlinear-8 Noise Reduction tools are wrapped up with SCNR. 3:22min
PI-15 Nonlinear-9 The HDRMultiscaleTransform process is profiled. Compress images with higher dynamic ranges and develop amazing detail with the push of a button! 5:38min
PI-16 Nonlinear-10 Both the GradientHDRCompression process, and the DarkStructureEnhance script are profiled. 6:54min
PI-17 Nonlinear-11 ATrousWavelet and MultiscaleMedian transforms for sharpening and enhancement are profiled. The UnsharpMask process is introduced. 5:10min
PI-18 Nonlinear-12 We continue with layer-based sharpening and enhancement using ATrousWavelet and MultiscaleMedian transforms. 4:16min
PI-19 Nonlinear-13 The UnsharpMask process for image enhancement is detailed. Also demonstrated is the Annotation text tool. 5:02min
PI-20 Nonlinear-14 Painting continues with the CloneStamp process for repair and alteration of images and masks. 5:17min
PI-21 Nonlinear-15 The MorphologicalTransformation process is introduced for the improvement of stars. 4:03min
PI-22 Nonlinear-16 Introduces the ColorSaturation process for selective color adjustments, and digs deeper into CurvesTransformation's Saturation channel. 5:17min
PI-23 Nonlinear-17 Color Profiling- The ICCProfileTransformation process is introduced for converting aRGB to the sRGB color space. The ColorManagementSetup is also reviewed. 3:40min
PI-24 Nonlinear-18 The Resample process for resizing images is profiled. Also covered is the Save As dialog for altering file format and bit-depth. 6:02min
PI-25 Addendum-1 Featured are the STF's new Boosted Stretch, and the exciting, new MaskedStretch process. 6:51min
PI-26 Addendum-2 The DynamicAlignment, and Blink processes are detailed. Also covered is an alternate way to open the program. 5:42min
PI-27 Wrap-Up We look ahead to Part-3 of the PixInsight Series from IP4AP.com. 2:36min
PixInsight Foundations Part-3
PI-0 Introduction to PixInsight Part-3 Advanced topics and special features. 2:54min
PI-1 Recap-1 offers a Step-by-Step Review of what we've learned in PixInsight Part-1 and Part-2, further providing the 'what to do and when to do it' for your PI workflow. One-Shot-Color procedures are demonstrated. Monochromatic imagers will benefit from this as well. 6:03min
PI-2 Recap-2 offers a Step-by-Step Review of what we've learned in PixInsight Part-1 and Part-2, further providing the 'what to do and when to do it' for your PI workflow. Monochrome procedures are demonstrated. 5:00min
PI-3 Recap-3 completes our Step-by-Step Review of what we've learned in PixInsight Part-1 and Part-2. The second half of Monochrome workflow is demonstrated. 4:44min
PI-4 HDR Composition details the HDRComposition and GradientHDRComposition processes for combining exposures of different lengths, to preserve high dynamic range detail. 4:03min
PI-5 Mosaics-1 begins our 6-part miniseries on mosaic construction. 4:31min
PI-6 Mosaics-2 features the construction of a 2-panel mosaic. The StarAlignment process is profiled. 3:46min
PI-7 Mosaics-3 continues with the construction of our 2-panel mosaic. The GradientMergeMosaic process for seamless mosaic stitching is introduced. 4:18min
PI-8 Mosaics-4 begins the construction of a 4-panel monochromatic mosaic template. StarAlignment's Restrict to Previews, and registration confirmation with a mask are covered. 7:24min
PI-9 Mosaics-5 continues the construction of a 4-panel monochromatic mosaic. Alignment of individual panels to the template created in PI-8 is detailed. Three different approaches are featured. 6:25min
PI-10 Mosaics-6 concludes our 6-part mosaic miniseries. Three different paths for GradientMergeMosaic are shown, and a quick recap brings context and chronology to mosaic procedures. 2:41min
PI-11 Star Masks-1 provides a more in-depth look at star mask creation for advanced image processing. 7:13min
PI-12 Star Masks-2 profiles ATrousWaveletTransform for the creation of star masks. Alteration and repair of star masks, as well as useful tricks are detailed. The Convolution process is also introduced. 4:56min
PI-13 Multiscale-1 introduces bona fide multiscale processing with PixInsight. We demonstrate the deconstruction of an image into varied scales, and how to recombine them when work is complete. 4:01min
PI-14 Multiscale-2 concludes our two-part miniseries on advanced multiscale processing techniques with PixInsight. With an image deconstructed into small and large scales, we draw out faint nebulosity and sharpen detail before reassembling the image. 5:31min
PI-15 Narrowband-1 begins our 6-part miniseries on Narrowband image processing. After an introduction to the major palettes, we use PixelMath, LRGBCombination, and ChannelCombination, to assemble Ha, OIII, and SII images into a Master file. 5:12min
PI-16 Narrowband-2 demonstrates the power of Scripts for assembling Ha, OIII, and SII images into a Master file. Multichannel Synthesis's SHO-AIP script is introduced. Also shown is the creation of Narrowband pseudo-luminance. 5:05min
PI-17 Narrowband-3 addresses Narrowband stars. Repair, replace, or remove them for different effects. 3:22min
PI-18 Narrowband-4 returns to PixInsight scripts to combine Narrowband data with (L)RGB. We revisit SHO-AIP and introduce the HaRVB-AIP and NBRGB scripts. 5:08min
PI-19 Narrowband-5 returns to processes for blending Narrowband data with (L)RGB. Demonstrated is a special technique by the PTeam's Vicent Peris for blending Hydrogen alpha and Luminance. 2:44min
PI-20 Narrowband-6 concludes our 6-part miniseries on Narrowband image processing. Hydrogen alpha and Oxygen 3 are selectively blended to an (L)RGB's chrominance using masks and PixelMath. 4:25 min
PI-21 Superbias details the new Superbias process for noise-free calibration with improved modeling of your camera's bias signal. Also introduced is the new 24-bit LUT visualization feature. 3:14min
PI-22 Drizzle introduces the new DrizzleIntegration process, for implementing the Variable-Pixel Linear Reconstruction algorithm on undersampled data. 4:22min
PI-23 CometAlignment shows you how to have the best of both worlds- an untrailed comet, and round stars! 4:42min
PI-24 Preprocessing Update brings you up to speed with recent additions to both the ImageIntegration and ImageRegistration processes. 2:20min
PixInsight Reloaded
Dynamic Range Extension- This overlooked feature in several processes can yield improved sharpening results without blowing-out the highlights.
Debayer- Has been improved with batch capability, and one additional convenience for DSLR users. 1:05min
PSFImage script- By Hartmut Bornemann, uses the DynamicPSF process to automatically generate a Synthetic PSF image for Deconvolution, saving you time and headache! 1:41min
Process Console Delay- A couple of handy tips on the Process Console 1:23min
History Explorer Image Origin- This brief tutorial reveals a little known but useful feature of the History Explorer. Now, you can view and revisit the process that created masks, etc. 1:21min
Repair Dark Mottle- Reveals a great PixelMath trick for reducing dark 'pepper' noise in the background sky. 1:12min
Star Halo Repair- Demonstrates Dr. Ron Brecher's method of fixing the excessive halos of Oxygen 3 data. Also featured is a neat trick with the CloneStamp process. A future tutorial will address problematic RGB star halos, beyond the aesthetic ones discussed here. 4:54min
CSS (cascading style sheet)- Allows you to alter most of PI's fonts and colors for a custom workspace. 2:51min
LDD and LPS Scripts- Are a fix for vertical defects, common in CCD sensors. They can do an even better job than CosmeticCorrection's Defect List feature. 6:13min
Enhanced Mosaic Construction- dnaLinearFit introduces a new script by David Ault, that can improve the seams of troublesome mosaic panels. 2:26min
GAME Script- A brand new tool by Hartmut Bornemann makes building masks a cinch- this one's a 'game changer' folks! 2:40min
Convolution- Use this little-known process to effectively smooth/blur the edges of a mask. 1:19min
Extensible Image Serialization Format- PixInsight's new default image file format deprecates FITS. 3:24min
Reset Previews- Did you know that applying a process to a preview overwrites the previous application? 2:03min
SubstituteWithPreview Script- Despite a good result applied to a preview, a process fails to work as expected when applied to the image itself. Before you give up, this wonderful script can save the day! 3:07min
Large-Scale Pixel Rejection- A breakthrough addition to the ImageIntegration process. Use this powerful new feature to more effectively eliminate satellite and asteroid trails. 2:49min
Performance- Enhance the performance of your computer when processing with PI. 2:04min
GeneralizedHyperbolicStretch- (GHS) is a brand new process for the delinearization of linear images. Along with HistogramTransformation and MaskedStretch, GHS is a powerful addition to PI's Intensity Transformations. 30min
Andrés del Pozo Scripts- ImageSolver and AnnotateImage can plate solve the FOV, adding object names and astronomical designations. Two more scripts by Mr. del Pozo- CopyCoordinates, and MosaicByCoordinates (MSB) are also profiled. MSB, when used with ImageSolver, can be used for mosaic construction. 5:39min
TGVDenoise Automatic Convergence- Can appreciably speed up the application of TGVD. 2:29min
LocalNormalization- A brand new process, to normalize the background variations between subexposures. While ImageIntegration does this based upon an image to image comparison, LocalNormalization (LN) can do it on a pixel to pixel level! Adding LN to your workflow could result in even better masters than before. 4:35min
New Instance and Reset- Demonstrates a couple of minor features new to version 1.8.5. You can now more easily run a second instance of the program! You can also globally reset your settings in a revised way. 1:01min
Apply Processes- Expedite your workflow using keyboard shortcuts. 1:11min
WriteJPEG Script- Instantly produces a nonlinear, high-res JPEG from a linear XISF, FITS, or TIFF. 1:10min
AdvStarmask Script- Automatically produces a great, general purpose star mask in seconds, and is a 'godsend' for those less comfortable with the StarMask process. 1:02min
ColorMask Script- Rick Stevenson's brilliant new script let's you target specific colors. 3:02min
DSLR Fine Points- Speaks to newer DSLR imagers to clear up some of the misconceptions concerning preprocessing one-shot color data acquired with modified digital single lens reflex cameras. 4:42min
StarAlignment Star Detection- What to do when the process fails to find a sufficient number of stars for successful registration. 1:48min
MosaicPlanner Script- by Andres del Pozo can help you plan your next mosaic. 3:27min
Project Compression- Save significant disk space when saving projects 1:11min
Working with Outside FITS- Choose the proper settings to bring them in-line with PI. 2:15min
Drag and Drop- Demonstrates a couple of new drag and drop options in the interface. 0:48min
Deconvolution- Presented is a slightly different take on the Local Deringing Support Image. 1:18min
Narrowband Normalization – Offered are several ways of 'normalizing' narrowband masters to one another, including an exciting new method by PixelMath Meister, Bill Blanshan. 12:59min
Copy STF- Lets you transfer an Auto Stretch from one image to another. 0.53min
File Explorer Window- This window is a nice way of navigating to the files on your drive(s), while providing useful information about them. 1:06min
Zoom and Pan- Here are a few helpful hints for navigating in an image window with zoom and pan controls. 1:49min
RangeSelection Process- How to create a mask utilizing this process to select galaxies while also eliminating stars as an alternative to employing the PixelMath method. 1:18min
LocalFuzzyHistogramHyperbolization- Is a new script for contrast enhancement by Frank Weidenbusch. Along with the funny name, comes fuzzy logic to PI! 2:24min
Enhanced Mosaic Construction- Star Pinch- This tutorial shows you how to eliminate star artifacts from the borders of your mosaic panels. 2:03min
One-Shot Color Narrowband Preprocessing shows you two different ways of extracting the best data from your narrowband frames, taken with an OSC/DSLR camera. 3:21min
MureDenoise Script- By Mike Schuster, offers an alternate way to reduce noise in linear, monochromatic masters. 3:24min
MultiscaleLinearTransform (MLT)- PI's latest and greatest wavelets-based process is here. Replacing ATrousWaveletTransform, and to some extent,
MultiscaleMedianTransform, MLT is perfect for linear noise reduction and includes a terrific, internal mask feature. MLT is also excellent for nonlinear sharpening. 5:20 min
RepairedHSVSeparation Script- Can eliminate star artifacts caused by highlight-protecting nonlinear stretches such as MaskedStretch or ArcsinhStretch. 2:14min
GAME Script 2020- Is the latest version of Hartmut Bornemann's mask editing script with an extremely significant new addition, rendering advanced mask making a breeze! 2:58min
Dynamic PSF- Refine your understanding of the process to generate a more accurate synthetic PSF for Deconvolution's External PSF tab. 2:37min
PixInsight Workflow
M82 is a special release, featuring a quick look at a few teachable moments within a PI galaxy project. As shown in the video, the FITS files used are available at Jim Misti's website. 5:11min
Narrow-Band for Narrow-Minds is Warren's latest take on producing easy and effective SHO images. He says that he's the one that's narrowminded; he just doesn't think it has to be that hard. 24:55min
Data courtesy of Telescope Live
Workflow-2a NGC 3628
Workflow-2b NGC 3628
Workflow-2c NGC 3628
Workflow-2d NGC 3628
Hyades image provided by Grand Mesa Observatory. Warren demonstrates working with a low resolution images with diffuse nebulosity.
Part-1 Demonstrates a simple workflow for combining SHO masters into a color image, and adjusting its color balance. 5:03minn
Part-2 Completes the Hubble Palette miniseries, demonstrating how a Synthetic Luminance and other techniques can add pizzazz to an SHO image. 3:13min
Part-1 Shows you an easy path to enhancing the chrominance component of a color image with Hydrogen-alpha. 5:04min
Part-2 Adds Ha detail to the image used in Part-1, this time to the Lightness component. 3:20min
The Pencil Nebula Part-1 21:24min
The Pencil Nebula Part-2 18:21min
The Pencil Nebula Part-3 18:05min
You can also view selected tutorials from each series using the Preview Page link provided.