Putting it All Together
Recorded Workshop
While the Weighted Batch Preprocessing script (WBPP) takes care of preprocessing in the majority of situations, some images may require manual integration (‘stacking’) to produce the best result. In this intermediate workshop, Ron and Warren will show you how to get the most from your data sets by taking advantage of PixInsight’s many tools for combining images, including:
ImageIntegration – a deeper dive into its options and settings
DrizzleIntegration – for undersampled images, including CFA Drizzle for one-shot color (OSC)
HDRComposition – integrating masters of different exposure times for targets (e.g. M42) with a high dynamic range
PixelMath – to blend multiple images together
Creating a synthetic luminance (SynthL) or superluminance (SuperL) from available masters
These techniques can be used with one-shot color and monochrome CCD and CMOS astronomical cameras, as well as DSLRs.
Attendees of this workshop will receive the following:
A PixInsight project containing all images and icons used during the workshop
Warren Keller and Ron Brecher have teamed up to deliver a series of information-packed Virtual Workshops covering deep-sky image processing with PixInsight. Each session will help you learn about the most important tools and settings needed to create jaw-dropping astrophotos. Working with Ron and Warren, and practicing with the resources provided, will help you move confidently from beginner to experienced user.
Unlimited Access $35.00 USD